My dear friends,
Over the past several months my spirituality has progressed by leaps and bounds. I have confronted, healed, and washed away old hurts and karmas. I retreated into stillness as energies subtly changed and shifted within me. I have learned to trust my intuition and the Divine. Each day my connection to the Source grows stronger. Each day I feel more at one with the Divine.
My focus has shifted away from the past and has settled on the present, with an eye toward the future. My purpose has become clear to me and the Source is showing me the way.
As we all know, change is coming. It is practically on top of us. We are all here for a reason. Mine is to help ascend the planet. This shift in energies towards a positive and higher state of awareness will protect the Earth and its inhabitants from any outside force that wishes to do harm.
But I cannot do this alone. Enlightenment sparks awakening and spiritual growth in others, just as balance seeks to create more balance. Each ascended being can uplift those around them, sparking a cascade of spiritual awakening and enlightenment around the world.
I wish nothing less for all of you than to experience full ascension, complete unity with the Source, as there is nothing greater than bliss such as this. It can be attained in this lifetime, and you can finally be free from the cycle of rebirth.
But it cannot be attained without effort, you have to choose to follow that path and you have to keep working toward it. No, it isn't always easy, but there is and always will be support and guidance reaching out to you from the Source in a myriad of different forms, and it is your choice whether or not to accept it.
So please, my friends, look into the past, stare it in the face. Confront those wounds and all of those things that are holding you back and keeping you trapped, unable to progress. Face them head on. Work through the emotions and the memories, all of them, painful or otherwise. If you continue to bury them, they will only stagnate within you and pull you down until one day they explode and overwhelm you. So please, face any issues you might have and accept them, resolve them, let them go. I know it can be immensely difficult and painful, but I promise you, once they are worked through and fixed, once you accept things for what they are and are able to let them go, you will be so much happier for it! It will be like washing off the karma and setting yourself free!
Once you are free you can pursue your dreams, you can start your trip home to the Source. You will find that the Source is within you and all around, and that help and guidance will (and already is) being offered to you. Everything you need will fall into place, and all the right things will happen at exactly the right time! Learn to trust it and trust yourself.
You will, and are, able to help yourself reach any goal, to help each other, and help the world.
My goal is to help this world, to ascend and enlighten its creatures, to uplift the planet Earth herself. I cannot do this alone, but together we can help the world.
It is time for us to unify as one. We are diverse individuals, yet we all come from and are the same thing- the Source. It is time for us to resolve our past struggles and put them aside. It is time for us to heal ourselves so that we may heal each other and the world. It is time for us to unite and work together toward a better world. It is time for us to unite with the Source within us.
All of us, together and in our own unique ways, can help lead this world into a better place.
Will you join me?
With love and gratitude for everything that all of you have already helped me with,