Friends.Enemies.Associates.Aquaintances. Otherkin..
Heed my words.
you must not be lambs and sheeple for as such you are the prey of wolves.
Rise. I challenge you.
Rise. I dare you.
Rise. I compell you!
Rise because you must!
rise because you would!
I have said before the greatest enemy is the mind, yet can be best friend..
heed my words because we wxist in a great age that needs you to shape it..
it is inevitable.
for that which would not change is doomed to perish!
Right now entities are looking down apon you and your kin, heinously laughing.
the world is in their grasp, if we don't do anything, nothing will ever change for the better.. SO WAKE THE FUCK UP AND RISE BECAUSE THE UNIVERSE NEEDS YOU, AND YOUR ANCESTORAL GODS CALL TO YOU! THEY BID YOU TAKE YOUR PLACE AMONG THEM.
The elite took away the magic.
They took away the soul.
They took away life.
but the spirit heart remains and remembers.
It is there, in all of us like a blaze in darkness.
this blaze is our illumination, our empowerment, our ward. Divinity.
But it has been locked away from the rest of you, from true union and must be activated.
This you must do.
How can we help our loved ones, world and environment, when we can't even help our selves?
How can we be likes gods, when we exist as parasites?
how can we break these bonds, when none are apparent?
These answer are within you.. Spirit heart tells us, to often do we ignore.
Most seek and gain answers from above and outside instead of within..
You must help yourself, before if ever you aid the world.
How is this done?
breaking free of the mind memes and programming is essential and you MUST DRINK SOMA!!!!!!!
Yet I can only show you the door and my word hope you heed, becasuse the unworthy exclude themselves.
Though truth be it, i already gave you all the sacred scriptures to aid you in breaking the bonds and becoming Gods...